The day to be remembered – 1st anniversary


去年的今日,您黯然的离开了我们。转眼就是一年。想念您的笑容;想念您喋喋不休,从复了又从复的陈年往事。想念您的爱心和关怀、想念您的烹饪,您的菜饭总是百吃不厌。虽然,清茶淡饭,但是还是幸福满满。想念您的教诲,句句都牢牢的记在我心中。这些不是什么发达秘诀,但是都是做人的道理;上进的指南;努力的动力。在我心目中,您是最伟大的母亲。失去了您,我失去了好多好多,永远怀念您。Continue Reading >>>

Taiwan Hydroponics Farm Visit

Hydroponics Farm
Location : Taiwan, Nan Tou – Nung Fu Agriculture Farm 弄福農場
Owner : 陳坤盛
Graduate from : National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Main farming products : Hydroponics vegetables farming and King oyster mushroom cultivation
Greenhouse size : 2910 square metre divided into 19 sections, another one unknown size
Month production : 4500KG green leaves vegetables
Facebook page :

What is Hydroponics?

Before we look at Mr Chen’s farm, let’s take a glance at what is hydroponic.

Hydroponics is a planting method where plants grow in a growing medium with water and nutrients. It is a soilless farming method.

Early hydroponics was traced back to Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Floating Gardens of China this is thousands of years ago.

Modern hydroponics was popularized by William Frederick Gericke in 1929, who was working at the University of California, Berkeley.Continue Reading >>>