The day to be remembered – 1st anniversary


去年的今日,您黯然的离开了我们。转眼就是一年。想念您的笑容;想念您喋喋不休,从复了又从复的陈年往事。想念您的爱心和关怀、想念您的烹饪,您的菜饭总是百吃不厌。虽然,清茶淡饭,但是还是幸福满满。想念您的教诲,句句都牢牢的记在我心中。这些不是什么发达秘诀,但是都是做人的道理;上进的指南;努力的动力。在我心目中,您是最伟大的母亲。失去了您,我失去了好多好多,永远怀念您。Continue Reading >>>

Departure Of My Beloved Mother


On this day; 20th Dec 2015, 3am morning, my beloved mother has leave everything behind and make her way to a better place.

It was a long walk in her life. She has been struggling all the life since young till old. Added with stroke 15 years ago. Bed ridden 5 years ago, On cathether and tube feeding 3 years ago. That was such a long, difficult walk.Continue Reading >>>